
Adoption In Cameroon

Adoption remains the only legal means for married couples as well as singles who cannot procreate.It is a legal procedure in which parental responsibilities is transferred from their parent of birth to their adopting parent.
It is worth noting that an applicant for adoption in Cameroon must attain 40 years or married for more than 10years without issue.
For Adoption between persons of the same family line.
The following documents will be requested from the applicant.
Copy of marriage certificate,copy of birth certificate of the child and applicant,social inquiry report,copy of consent letter under oath from the biological parent …..etc
When Adoption is targeted from the orphanage;here the procedure is strict.The following documents will be needed;
Copy of birth certificate of applicant,copy of criminal record of applicant,mariage certificate where applicable ……etc
The competent court is then seized,It could be a strenuous procedure how ever could be facilitated by a competent lawyer

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