A trade mark is a word ,phrase,symbol,design or combination of words,phrases,symbols and designs that identify or distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of another party.

Your organizations trademark or brand is a calling card,an advertisement and ideally one way in which the public always will remember or make mention of.

I often get the question IS IT NECESSARY TO REGISTER A TRADEMARK IN CAMEROON? Yes,it is and we will be discussing why,but before it is important to know that any business man or organization who wishes to register a trade mark must carry out investigations,research or screening ,what is known in french as La recherche danteriorite,there are various methods of carrying out investigations,which we wont discuss today. A lawyer representing an organization or intellectual property consultant needs to undertake such investigation to make sure that there is no other organization using that name.Lets now discuss the reasons why a business owner or organization needs to register his/its Trademark;

Firstly it allows the business owner or organization to have exclusive use of your trademark,it is imperative that you register it because not registration of a trademark would mean that you do not have exclusive right to use it this means that if someone were to use the same mark as you and go ahead to register it without your knowledge then that person will have exclusive right over it and not you,therefore it is paramount that you register your TM.
Also,you avoid answering and paying damages to any 3rd party claiming trademark infringement.
And again, it allows the use of trademark designs.
Thirdly,you can take legal action against anyone who uses your trademark without your permission,sell and\or license.
The trademark allows customers to find and identify your product.
Gives assurance that there is o conflicting Trademark.
Official registration of a trademark attracts a number of other legal benefits as well…we will be happy to discuss them with you during a consultation.
For more inquiry or assistance on how to register a Trademark,brand or patent, Contact us
By Barrister Fru Sheila Chi