Fintech simply means financial technology. It simply refers to businesses that use software and other modern technology to provide financial services.
Fintech companies are gradually emerging in Cameroon mostly in the private sector.
Fintech services include money transfer, lending, investing, betting, payments, etc.
So you have decided to launch a fintech company great but note that not every fintech company carries out the same activity, some fintech companies are insurance, savings, money lending, etc.
The category you’ll be operating under will define the steps to take for registration.

  • After successfully completing the registration of your fintech company and complying with the OHADA or other relevant laws depending on the category or area of Fintech.

N.B; Fintech companies are allowed to operate in Cameroon financial system after completing certain requirements.

N.B: Where foreign partners are involved, certain conditions are to be fulfilled.

Need assistance with launching your fintech companies? Compliance? Legal advice? or any further inquiry,
contact us on 656899294. We shall be pleased to assist you.

By Barrister Fru Shella.