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Some of Cameroon’s

Law Texts


The Penal Code

The Cameroon Penal Code is the primary set of statutes that define criminal offenses and procedures in the state. Although penal code sections provide the formal definition of a criminal offense, court case law, legislative history and jury instructions offer further guidance as to how particular sections apply.


Criminal Procedure Code

The law of criminal procedure regulates the modes of apprehending, charging, and trying suspected offenders; the imposition of penalties on convicted offenders; and the methods of challenging the legality of conviction after judgment is entered.


Labour Law

Labour law mediates the relationship between workers, employing entities, trade unions and the government. 


Ohada Law

OHADA is a system of corporate law and implementing institutions adopted by seventeen West and Central African nations in 1993 in Port LouisMauritius. OHADA is the acronym for the French “Organisation pour l’harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires“, which translates into English as “Organisation for the Harmonisation of Corporate Law in Africa”.


Mining Law

The Mining Law allows Cameroon citizens and firms to explore for minerals and establish rights to federal lands without authorization from any government agency. This provision, known as self-initiation or free access, is the cornerstone of the Mining Law.

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