A patent is a legal document that grants exclusive rights on the patented invention. The invention could be a product or a process that provides in general a new way of doing something or offers a new technical solution to a problem.

There are several criteria that a patent officer will look at to determine whether the invention is patentable viz;

  1. It must be new or novel,
  2. It must involve an inventive step,
  3. It need to be industrially applicable or useful.

Obtention of a patent confers certain rights on the patent holder which includes;

  1. Exclusive right to work the patented invention.
  2. Prohibit any person from working the patented invention i.e,
    • where the patent has been granted for a product-manufacturing,importing,offering for sale,selling and using the product.
    • where the patent has been granted for a process-using the process as well as the above acts.
  3. The right to assign the patent,transfer it and enter into a licence contract.
  4. Institute legal proceedings against any person who exploits the patent without consent.

It’s worth noting that patent protection is granted for a limited period and when it expires the invention enters into the public domain.
Article 9 of Annexe 1 of Bangui Agreement stipulates,the patent shall expire at the end of the 20th calendar year following the filing date of the application.
Endeavour to get a lawyer specialized in Intellectual property to obtain your patent and ensure that nothing is overlooked.

By Barrister Mankah Rachel.