To register a company in Cameroon investors are advised to produce the following informations and documents to their lawyers.


1.The name of the company.
2.The name and address of the shareholders.
3.The object of the company.
4.The percentage of shares(if any)
5.The documents required.
6.Desired Headquarters


1.Drop money at the Notary to get a notarial statement of subscription and payment.

2.Copies of Article of association and memorandum( to be notarized).

3.The certificate of shares( to be notarized).

4.Judicial extracts of partners and managers.

5.Localization papers by tax office ensure it is signed.

6.Copies of tenancy agreement which is to be notarized and stamped dutied.

7.Photocopies of Identity Cards of partners and managers.

8.Certified true copies of National Identity cards of partners and managers.

9.Copies of Non-Conviction of each shareholder.

10.Marriage certificate(where applicable)

You are adviced to hire a lawyer for representation and follow up,as the documents may differ in certain situations.

By Shella Fru esq